Town of Happy Valley Goose Bay

Town of

Happy Valley-Goose Bay

Town of

Happy Valley-Goose Bay

Happy Valley - Goose Bay

Happy Valley - Goose Bay

Town Hall Public Works Blockages & Backups

Blockages & Backups

The following is the Town’s Policy for responding to sewer line breaks and related labor costs.

The Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay will not accept responsibility for sewer line breaks or blockages that occur in the owner’s lateral. The Town is responsible for the main sewer lines only. The Town will agree to investigate the problem during normal working hours but will inform the citizen or property owner who is responsible to get the necessary repairs completed.

The Town will repair sewer line breaks and clear any blockages that occur in the sewer mains. Service lines to homes or business are not mains.

If a request is received from a citizen after regular working hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) to determine the location of a sewer line break or sewer blockage, the same policy will apply. If the problem is deemed to be in the property owner’s line, the property owner will be notified that it is their responsibility to get the problem resolved. If the problem is in the main sewer line, the Town will undertake the necessary repairs.

When making a request for sewer service repairs, citizens are advised that they are responsible for any costs associated with the problem if it is deemed to have occurred in the owner’s lateral.

During repairs for sewer main breaks, every effort will be made to notify the public of any interruption in the service. If there is an interruption, every effort will be made to put this service back in order as soon as the repair is made. In emergency situations, the same policy applies.

The Department uses a combination Sewer Jet/Vacuum Cleaner unit which allows crews to jet and clean sewers at a much faster rate. The sewer flushing/cleaning program takes place from June to October where all sewer lines and manholes are cleaned. The cleaning process takes approximately three years to complete all manholes and sewer lines throughout the town, then the three-year process begins again. This program is carried out depending on the availability of manpower, equipment, and financing.

After hours contact: Superintendent of Public Works – 709-896-3824 (w) 709-896-2212.

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