Town of Happy Valley Goose Bay

Town of

Happy Valley-Goose Bay

Town of

Happy Valley-Goose Bay

Happy Valley - Goose Bay

Happy Valley - Goose Bay

Town Hall Forms and Applications

Forms and Applications

Each application form requires different information, for instance a building permit application will require site plans and building elevations, whereas an application for a change of use requires information on the old and proposed activities.

All applications are reviewed and permits issued in accordance with the Building and Occupancy Regulations of the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay and the Municipalities Act, 1999 of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. All requirements of the Town’s Development Regulations 2008-2018 must be met. For building construction this includes but is not limited to: minimum setbacks from property lines, maximum height, and maximum lot coverage.

Some permits for commercial or institutional uses as well as larger residential structures (of more than 4 units) will require a Fire and Life Safety Review and/or Accessibility Review by the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador through Service NL. If required, that review must be completed prior to the Town issuing any permit.

For further information please contact our Engineering Technician at (709) 896-3593 or e-mail

Building & Occupancy Permits

A permit must be obtained from the Town;

  • prior to any digging, placement of fill, or any development;
  • prior to any building or construction;
  • prior to any change in the use of a building or property;
  • prior to fence construction;
  • prior to paving or concrete of a parking area to ensure there are no street drainage issues; and
  • prior to occupying any building or property

Building and Occupancy applications are reviewed and permits issued in accordance with the Building and Occupancy Regulations and the requirements of Provincial Legislation.

There are cases where repairs to existing structures may not require a building permit, but it is important to check with the Engineering Technician to determine if a permit is required.

This section is for application forms relating to the Town’s finance and planning and development departments. Forms are available below.

Appeal Board

Some, but not all permits and decisions of Council related to applications and permits may be appealed to a Provincial Appeal Board by any person aggrieved of a decision.

Please contact the Department of Municipal Affairs for Newfoundland and Labrador for more information at (709)729-3090 or visit their website

The Appeal Board may consider procedural issues or inappropriate use of the discretion of Council. One of the requirements of Council, however; is to reach decisions on applications. The Appeal Board cannot overrule a discretionary decision by Council.

Applications and Forms

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