Town of Happy Valley Goose Bay

Town of

Happy Valley-Goose Bay

Town of

Happy Valley-Goose Bay

Happy Valley - Goose Bay

Happy Valley - Goose Bay

Town Hall Policies Donations Grants & Sponsorship

Donations Grants & Sponsorship


The Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay recognizes the many benefits that various groups, organizations, volunteers, and events within the municipality provide by promoting and improving upon the cultural, social, and economic well-being of the community.

The Town is committed to treating all requests for donations, grants, and sponsorships in a consistent, fair, and equitable manner subject to local needs, priorities, and Council’s approved budget.

Click the below to view Policy 

Application Process: 
Applications for events must be submitted at least six weeks prior to the event to allow for committee review and recommendation for Council approval at a Public Council meeting. Applications for a continuous program or service must be submitted by September 30th in the year prior in order to be considered during the budget process.

All requests for a donation/sponsorship must be made by application and provide supporting details that the program, event, or service is providing an economic or cultural/social benefit to the residents of Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

A charitable or non-profit organization must be sponsoring the program, event, or service and an individual representative of this organization must complete the written application.
A detailed budget showing proposed revenues and expenditures for the program, event, or service must be submitted with the application. Council reserves the right to request a financial statement from the previous year prepared by a qualified person.

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