Town of Happy Valley Goose Bay

Town of

Happy Valley-Goose Bay

Town of

Happy Valley-Goose Bay

Happy Valley - Goose Bay

Happy Valley - Goose Bay

Ground Water Study

Groundwater/Storm water Study Update as of June 30, 2022 The 13th Council is pleased to provide the below update related to the Groundwater/Storm water Study.  

Update as of June 30, 2022

The 13th Council is pleased to provide the below update related to the Groundwater/Stormwater Study.

  • Funds in the amount of $150,000 have been approved under the Town’s 2020/23 Multi-Year Capital Works Program.
  • A Request for Proposals was called to perform this study and a contract was subsequently awarded to CBCL Ltd. in the amount of $147,193.
  • The consultant has started work on the study and has finalized the location of eight monitoring wells.
  • A “Well Driller” will be in town during the week of July 11, 2022, to complete the drilling.
  • Shortly after the installation of the wells, data on groundwater levels throughout the study area will start to be collected.
  • The final report is expected to be submitted in early summer 2023 and a preliminary report is due to be submitted by October 30, 2022

On Monday, November 2, 2021, the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay held a public consultation on the Groundwater situation affecting residents on Rendell Crescent and Mitchell Street. Those in attendance included affected residents, members of the general public, and the 13th Council of the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

The Town’s Municipal Engineer Randy Dillon offered those in attendance the following presentation:

The below link is in relation to the June 2021 study completed by CBCL

The below link references the 2012 Land Use Suitability Assessment and Design Concepts.